Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's Your Idea of Paradise? Artist Annie Albagli- Paradise Interviews

Last week at our artist talk for 'Greetings from Paradise', guests had the chance to contribute a video interview to Annie Albagli's ongoing Paradise Project. For the interviews, Annie created a modular backdrop with a variety of imagery that could could be arranged with velcro to suit the interviewees taste... then they were asked, 'What's your idea of paradise?'...

Here are some of the results! You can contribute your own interview to the project if you visit the gallery this Friday or Saturday! (Fri 2-7pm, Sat 1-6pm)

Interview with Mariah Johnson of Porch Projects

Interview with Cynthia Connolly, artist & visual art curator at Artisphere

Interview with local artist, Maurice L.

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